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The candidates for the Charter Review Commission are: 

(Please scroll down or click on each persons name for their views regarding running for the Charter Review Commission)

Letters  with questions were sent to candidates on 6/13/17.  The names of candidates that responded so far are in bold.    

 *The candidate were initially asked to limit answers to 50 words or less.  Several went over that limit.  In order to not limit responses the new limit is 250 words.  

The website will be updated with responses at a minimum on these dates:  6/19/17, 7/3/17 and 7/10/17. The updates can be  viewed on 6/20/17,  7/4/17, 7/11/17.   The names below are in alphabetical order.  Here is the order they will be on the ballot.  There are 9 spots to fill.


* There is a Meet and Greet for all candidates and Tiverton residents on 7/17/17 @ 6pm @ The Tiverton Library Community Room.  More info HERE

* Please view this page for which candidates were endorsed by local groups and why. 

* Check out Letters to the Editor in the The Herald News  and East Bay RI  by and about candidates (hint: use the search to find letters by and about specific candidates)


Michael Burk, Jeffrey Caron, Stephen Clarke , Donna Cook, Robert Coulter, Michael DeCotis,

Nancy Driggs, Donna Edwards, Raymond Fougere, William Gerlach,  Michael Janick, Gregory Jones, Jennifer Joslyn, Justin La Croix, William Lopes, Jason Mello, Madeline O'Dell, David Paull,

John Perkins Jr, David Perry,  Laura Rom, Richard Rom, Andrea Souza, Kimberly Sutherland


Name:  Michael Burk

​Why are you interested in running for Charter Review Commission?

I see this as another opportunity to give back to my community and to ensure that the Review is done in a thoughtful and comprehensive manner. The Charter Commission is one of Tiverton’s most critical elected bodies as the Charter provides the local legal framework for how we

operate. It is important that Commission members have a strong understanding of public policy as it relates to municipal government, a willingness and ability to listen effectively, and the ability to negotiate and collaborate. I believe I have the skills and experience needed to be an

effective Charter Commission member


Do you want to change the charter, keep it the same or are you undecided?

Some single-issue candidates will want you to believe that I run simply to eliminate the Financial Town Referendum (FTR). Yes, I have been a vocal opponent of the FTR as I don’t believe it is the most effective way to approve budgets for a 21st Century community. However, the Charter

isn’t simply about the FTR or finances. It is our Constitution and it prescribes many functions beyond finances and budgeting. It prescribes the duties of town elected and appointed officials such as the Town Council and Town Administrator; it sets forth the authority and responsibility

for town departments such as police, fire and public works; it establishes various boards and commissions, sets forth election procedures and establishes recall procedures. I want to take the time necessary to comprehensively review the Charter, compare it to how other cities and towns operate and determine what, if anything needs changed. Then I want to work with the other members to develop recommendations for the Town Council and the voters of Tiverton. Remember, the Charter Commission only recommends changes to the Town Council who then decides what is put on the November 2018 ballot on which you get to vote and have the final say. I know that, if elected, I will be one of nine members and others won’t necessarily agree with my perspective. I will have to work with them to develop recommendations for you to vote on that make the most sense for all of us.


Do you have any particular concerns about the charter?

Effective local government requires a Town Charter – our Constitution – that contains the checks and balances necessary to operate a 21st Century community. It needs to provide sound methods for determining budgets and managing expenses while holding elected officials accountable for their decisions. It needs to ensure that key governmental services are provided as efficiently as possible. It needs to ensure a fair electoral process and that the rights of the minority are protected. I believe that our budget approval process needs reviewed in this light. I believe we need to look at the organization of our town government and whether it is effective for a 21 st Century community. I believe our review must be comprehensive in nature and collaborative in process


What will your approach be to review the charter?

Good government requires elected officials who come to the table with their own ideas and perspectives about the small and large issues they will face. It also requires that these officials have the ability to listen to opposing perspectives, identify common ground and focus on

solutions that balance the competing interests and needs of our citizens. I will come with my ideas and perspectives, a willingness to do the comprehensive review necessary, listen to various perspectives and do my best to help us balance the competing interests and needs of our citizens


What skills and/or experience would help you with this position?

I have 20 years of experience working as a legislative liaison for state government which includes writing and negotiating key legislation, tasks very similar to the role of the Charter Commission. As a trained social worker, I am adept at working collaboratively with others and

finding common ground. As a former School Committee member, I understand the competing interests of local government.



Name: Jeff Caron more info:

Why are you interested in running for Charter Review Commission?

Although I have significant experience in Tiverton’s fiscal affairs, I consider myself more of a “Charter” person than a “budget” person. I find the Charter review process to be particularly enjoyable, fun, and a somewhat humbling experience. Because the Charter normally directs us, there is a certain irony associated with the opportunity to recommend changes the document. I look forward to working with others to perform a comprehensive review of the Charter and making substantive, impactful recommendations. I decided about five years ago that I would run for this next Commission, and I cannot wait for it to get underway, hopefully with me as a member. Thank you for your considered support.


Do you want to change the charter, keep it the same or are you undecided?

Article XIII of the Constitution of the State of Rhode Island, “Home Rule For Cities And Towns”, is an important opportunity to the people of Tiverton to self-govern, and it should be maintained. I expect that the Commission will contemplate between twenty and forty charter changes, and that in the end will recommend between ten and twenty substantive Charter changes which are likely to modify every article some amount. Because a slight change to the Charter can have a significant impact on the townspeople, any recommendations to change the Charter need to be well thought out using logic and critical thinking.


Do you have any particular concerns about the charter?

I have a short list of substantive language clarifications that I have gathered from my interactions with the Charter over the past ten years or so. When I served on the Charter Review Commission in 2003 we recommended modifying Section 203, and I think further modification is needed to protect our town finances. Regarding the FTR, Budget Committee, and casino revenue, please see my answers to the questions at The development of the FTR took about one dedicated year, and trying to revamp or replace it will use up the year leaving little time to address the other sections of the Charter. As my answers on the TTA website show, and unlike most other non -TTA candidates, I do not plan to revamp the FTR, and this will leave the bulk of the year to perform a comprehensive review of the Charter as I was elected to do.


What will your approach be to review the charter?

The information to improve the Charter is distributed across many individuals who work with the Charter on a weekly or even daily basis. The role of the Commission should include an initial interview the public and town officials to gather the gamut of ideas. Then, the ideas should be sorted into “housekeeping” changes and “substantive” changes. I expect that the housekeeping changes will be addressed in rather simple form. However, the substantive changes need significant deliberative effort and should not be rushed – which is why they need to be identified early in the process. The year can go by very fast, so it is important to identify the scope of work early on. Like we did on the Financial Town Meeting Changes Advisory Committee (FTMCAC), all changes should be tracked, consolidated, dispositioned, drafted, run by the Solicitor, etc. Consideration needs to be given to limiting the number of ballot questions, and hence grouping of changes should occur where possible. The output of the Commission should include, at a minimum, the proposed ballot questions with insertions/deletions to the Charter language. Having served on the 2003 Charter Review Commission as well as having been a Co-Chair (with Nancy Driggs) of the 2010-2011 FTMCAC, I believe I will add a lot of value to the organization, structure, and forward momentum of this Commission.


What skills and/or experience would help you with this position?

Charter Review Commission 2003, Budget Committee 2004 – 2010 (Vice-Chair 2007-2008, Chairman 2009-2010), Financial Town Meeting Changes Advisory Committee 2010-2011 (CoChair), Budget Committee 2012, Budget Committee 2016-Present. I am a founding member of the Tiverton Taxpayers Association and I have volunteered my effort in numerous issues that have confronted Tiverton since 2003. Through all of this I am very familiar with the Charter with respect to both legislative intent and hands on practical implementation. In addition, having served on the 2003 CRC, Co-Chaired the FTMCAC, and Chaired the Budget Committee, I have extensive experience running committees as well as “getting things done” on such a public committee. My formal education includes: BS Electrical Engineering, University of Vermont, ScM Engineering, Brown University, ScM Physics, Brown University.


Name:  Stephen Clarke

Why are you interested in running for Charter Review Commission?

 I am a recent retiree and would like to get more involved in town government. By working with a team of people to review and update the Town Charter, I will become very familiar with the processes by which the town governs itself. In addition, I will learn what the people of Tiverton want to see preserved or changed in this very important document.


Do you want to change the charter, keep it the same or are you undecided?

The purpose of reviewing the charter is to make sure that it is clear, up to date, and that it reflects what the community wants as a whole.Therefore, I expect that there will be changes to achieve this goal.


Do you have any particular concerns about the charter?

I think it is necessary to reword Article XII, Section 1214 to specifically call out Casino revenue as a source of income that will go into the general funds. My concern here is that Casino revenue could be channeled off in some manner that would circumvent the FTR process. I also believe that the majority of citizens want to maintain the FTR process as is. In this case, changes would be minimal if any.


What will your approach be to review the charter?

I will completely familiarize myself with the content, solicit input from the people of Tiverton, and incorporate that input into the Charter to the best of my ability.


What skills and/or experience would help you with this position?

My previous job experience as a Product Development Engineer working with multi functional teams has taught me how to work with people to achieve a common goal.


Name:  Donna Cook   more info

Why are you interested in running for Charter Review Commission?

   I’m seeking a seat on the commission because I became very alarmed by the recent forming of the Casino Sub-Committee, which might “allocate” the casino gambling money outside of the Financial Town Referendum (FTR) budget approval process.  I’m  also concerned that during last year’s Town Council Hearings at Tiverton High School, it became very clear that the CRC was going to be used to weaken or eliminate the FTR and make it difficult for taxpayers to control their taxes.


Do you want to change the charter, keep it the same or are you undecided?

 I believe the charter does not have to be changed substantially, just updated and clarified where needed.


Do you have any particular concerns about the charter?

I’m concerned that the FTR would be changed in a way to decrease the ability of the taxpayer to control their taxes, or eliminate the budget committee as some candidates have suggested.

    Casino revenue should be within the budget process, where the taxpayer has final say on where the revenue should or should not be spent, not seven people on the Town Council   


What will your approach be to review the charter?

 I will thoughtfully and carefully perform a comprehensive review of the Charter.  I understand the current town charter, have practical experience and am willing to listening to suggestions from town committees, officials, and residents of Tiverton.


What skills and/or experience would help you with this position?

As a LPN, I was a supervisor and charge nurse of nursing units; as a flight attendant, I served as Boston based AFA-CWA Local Executive Council President and was a Member of American Eagle Master Executive Council and AFA-CWA Board of Directors.   I believe my experience and the skills I have acquired have given me an understanding of contracts, policies, laws, and the Town Charter. 

      Current member of the Budget Committee.

      Served on the Juvenile Hearing Board

      Engaged in many Tiverton issues since 2011

      Member of the Tiverton Taxpayers Association


Name:  Robert Coulter or (401) 525-0469  more info:

Why are you interested in running for Charter Review Commission?

 To serve voters, using my government/legal background and other business experience to protect/improve the town charter (which is the town’s core document) and the processes around it.


Do you want to change the charter, keep it the same or are you undecided?

I am open to all suggestions for improvement throughout the charter but I am strongly in favor of keeping the charter’s Financial Town Referendum protections and the Budget Committee.  I have no major concerns with the charter, though I believe we may need to add clarity to ensure that any casino revenues are spent as the voters may decide through the democratic FTR process.


Do you have any particular concerns about the charter?

I believe that some of the sections could be organized and written with more clarity so they are easier to read and follow.  We should also make sure the charter addresses the casino.


What will your approach be to review the charter?

My approach would be to invite and inventory suggestions from all members of the public.  Then triage each one for study and listing of pros and cons with further input.  Priority would be given to suggestions from Tiverton residents / registered voters.


What skills and/or experience would help you with this position?

Tiverton resident for 13 years.  U.S. Navy; Tiverton Budget Committee; Tiverton Town Council; involvement in various local community organizations; practicing attorney with deep experience in government matters and legal documents/issues in general.  In addition to law: military, finance, and general business experience.  Education:  B.S. (Ocean Engineering), U.S. Naval Academy; M.B.A. (Finance & Economics), University of Chicago; M.P.P., University of Chicago; J.D. Roger Williams University.



Name:  Michael DeCotis   Meet and Greet  7/17/17

Why are you interested in running for Charter Review Commission?

I am running for charter review to offer a new voice for Tiverton.  Many times the same candidates stay involved locally potentially stunting the growth of our Town.  The Town needs more involvement from fresh faces.  The charter review is an integral part of making Tiverton a smoother municipal operation.  I am excited for the opportunity to serve Tiverton in examining and reviewing the charter. 


Do you want to change the charter, keep it the same or are you undecided?

I have certain ideas that I would like to work with others on to improve our home rule charter.  As a whole the charter is sustainable although there are multiple bylaws that I feel need further vetting and discussion about.  Ultimately the voters of Tiverton will vote on any revisions to the charter in November 2018. 


Do you have any particular concerns about the charter?

Yes.  I promise the voters of Tiverton (like most people) I'm for controlling taxes but also am realistic on issues that can involve funding things that benefit the Town. I also believe that the taxpayers should have an ultimate say in determining the towns budget. I do believe in preserving the FTR- but with alterations that I feel will improve the process. 


What will your approach be to review the charter?

My approach will be to sit with my constituents and serve on the charter review commission without an agenda. I promise to compromise and listen respectfully to every commission member. I also will seek the residents voice during the process so that I will know the concerns of the citizens of Tiverton. Ultimately any person elected to public office always should seek to represent their fellow townspeople. 


What skills and/or experience would help you with this position?

I have worked in sales for the past 18 years and this has taught me the skill of working with others no matter their opinions or beliefs. I am a tireless listener and can ultimately make sound decisions that make the most sense. I also possess a high degree of integrity and my follow through skills are impeccable. Lastly, I am a skilled communicator who can be counted on at all times.  



Name:  Nancy Driggs

Why are you interested in running for Charter Review Commission?

 I am an attorney, and have significant experience in drafting legal documents.  As co-chair of the Financial Town Meeting Changes Advisory Committee, with Jeff Caron, during 2010-2011, the last major Charter update,  I am familiar with the Charter language and the Charter Review Committee's role and process.  My immediate impetus for running was concern that some, including some of the candidates now running, wanted to make what I think would be destructive changes to the Financial Town Referendum (FTR), including eliminating it, and maybe even eliminating the Budget Committee, and making access to the elector petition option more onerous.  The FTR is working, and should remain substantially unchanged.  This would also allow the Charter Review Committee's year to be spent undertaking an exhaustive review of the entire Charter, rather than re-creating a recently reviewed and updated budgeting process.  I also was concerned when the Town Councill, once the voters approved a Casino, allowed the Casino Sub Committee mission language to be amended to include "to determine a plan for the allocation of gaming revenues."  I want to ensure Casino revenues stay in voter control to lower taxes by remaining in the FTR/budgeting process.


Do you want to change the charter, keep it the same or are you undecided?

Charter language must be clear that Casino revenues are included in budgeting process and taxpayer control to lower taxes.  Unlike some of the other candidates who are running, I believe the FTR should remain substantially unchanged.  Finally, as part of the Charter review process in which I have been involved before, I intend to obtain input from town officials and the public, before considering any recommendations for a Charter change which will impact everyone.


Do you have any particular concerns about the charter?

Again,  I am concerned with any attempt to neuter or eliminate the FTR, or the Budget Committee as the budgeting entity, as some candidates have suggested. And, again, I want to ensure Casino money is included in taxpayer control in the budgeting process, and not allocated by the Town Council. Please see my answer to the questions concerning the FTR and Casino Revenues at

            Again, when Jeff Caron and I co-chaired the Financial Town Meeting Changes Advisory Committee in 2010-2011, which resulted in our recommendation to the Town Council to change to the FTR ( which the voters subsequently approved by a 2 to 1 vote), the drafting of this Charter change language which just concerned the budgeting process, took a full year of very intense questioning and feed-back analysis.  Keeping the FTR substantially unchanged will allow this year of Charter Review to do a comprehensive job on the Charter's other sections which have not had a major update.


What will your approach be to review the charter?

I would use the same approach used when I was co-chair of the Financial Town Meeting Changes Advisory Committee, which was to gather, through initial interviews with town officials and the public who work with the Charter daily, to record their ideas.  We then divided these ideas into substantive concerns, and housekeeping concerns.  Obviously, substantive concerns take a lot of time to address in a logical, consistent manner, proposed ballot language for any proposed change or amendment to the  Charter needs to be cleared by the Solicitor, and the actual ballot language needs to be drafted to ensure it does, and only does, what it is meant to do.  Again, my legal background in drafting documents, and language skills is helpful to this process. 


What skills and/or experience would help you with this position?

Again, I am an Attorney, and have document drafting and legal analysis skills.  I was  Co-chair of the Financial Town Meeting Changes Advisory Committee in 2010-2011, the last major Charter update, in which we recommended the Town Council adopt the Financial Town Referendum as the new budgeting mechanism, and which the voters approved by a  2 to 1 vote.  I am a current member of the Budget Committee, having just completed my third budget season, and am very familiar with the financial needs of the various departments and town entities, but also how to balance those needs with taxpayers ability to pay.   Finally, I am a founding member of the Tiverton Taxpayers Association  whose goal is to help keep taxes lower.



Name:  Donna Edwards

Why are you interested in running for Charter Review Commission?

 No response received as of 7/10/17


Do you want to change the charter, keep it the same or are you undecided?



Do you have any particular concerns about the charter?



What will your approach be to review the charter?



What skills and/or experience would help you with this position?



Name:  Raymond Fougere

Why are you interested in running for Charter Review Commission?

 No response received as of 7/10/17


Do you want to change the charter, keep it the same or are you undecided?



Do you have any particular concerns about the charter?



What will your approach be to review the charter?



What skills and/or experience would help you with this position?



Name:  William Gerlach

Why are you interested in running for Charter Review Commission?

 No response received as of 7/10/17


Do you want to change the charter, keep it the same or are you undecided?



Do you have any particular concerns about the charter?



What will your approach be to review the charter?



What skills and/or experience would help you with this position?




Name:  Michael Janick

Why are you interested in running for Charter Review Commission?

 As a Tiverton resident for over 30 years I am looking for an opportunity to give back of myself to this town. This Commission is a way for me to use my knowledge, skills and abilities to assist in the review of the charter and provide perspective on proposed changes.


Do you want to change the charter, keep it the same or are you undecided?

I have read the charter and I find some areas ambiguous and open to interpretation. I feel the charter should be a tool of guidance and the more clarity that it provides, the better tool it becomes.


Do you have any particular concerns about the charter?

As stated in my previous response to question #2, I feel clarification on unclear articles will benefit our entire community.


What will your approach be to review the charter?

 I will listen to well-reasoned arguments and provide feedback on what I feel will serve the best interests of all Tiverton residents.


What skills and/or experience would help you with this position?

Over the past 25 years, I have been a manager of technical trade people in groups from 12 to 165 people. I have served as an arbitration advocate before the American Arbitration Association as well as a labor negotiator. I have also been trained in Dispute Mediation. I feel I bring a logical view to problems and I look for mutually beneficial solutions. 


Name:  Gregory Jones

Why are you interested in running for Charter Review Commission?

 No response received as of 7/10/17


Do you want to change the charter, keep it the same or are you undecided?



Do you have any particular concerns about the charter?



What will your approach be to review the charter?



What skills and/or experience would help you with this position?




Name:  Jennifer Joslyn

Why are you interested in running for Charter Review Commission?

I am running for charter review commission because I believe that there are areas in the charter that could be clearer to residents and local government. I think it’s important for our charter to provide for every resident fairly, and that it be easily understood. I think it’s important when our charter is reviewed that the people elected be willing to compromise with each other, be open minded and be respectful not only to each other but to our residents.  


Do you want to change the charter, keep it the same or are you undecided?

I think the reason that the charter review commission was added to our charter was so that every 6 years a committee of residents could review and revise our charter. The charter should change and evolve over time as our community grows and evolves.  I think there are areas that could be revised and improved.  I think it’s important to share questions and concerns and be open minded to different views and work together to make improvements to the charter that serves all of our citizens.  It is important to make residents aware that any revisions or changes that are recommended will be placed on the November 2018 ballot and they the citizens of Tiverton will have a voice to adopt or reject any additions, changes and or revisions.


Do you have any particular concerns about the charter?

The Budget process is an area of concern.  I do not believe the FTR should be eliminated.  I think it is important for our residents to have a voice, they should be welcome to ask questions during the budget process so that they can make informed choice at the polls. [correction: previous answer had the response "I do not believe the FTR should not be eliminated". This was inaccurate.]


What will your approach be to review the charter?

I intend on reviewing our charter with an open mind, to treat the others I serve with respectfully.  I will make suggestions for additions, changes and revisions with all 15, 000 residents in consideration.  It a charter for all of the community and should serve all of the community.


What skills and/or experience would help you with this position?

I have worked in customer service and management for the past 21 years.  I am a good listener, well organized and able to work with others. I am familiar with our charter and its sections, and feel I can be a good addition to the charter review commission.


Name:  Justin La Croix

Why are you interested in running for Charter Review Commission?

 I am excited to get to work as a strong voice on the upcoming Charter Review Commission because it is imperative that the taxpayers of Tiverton have a strong voice as well. I am in full support of preserving and protecting the FTR because it is working to keep our taxes low and under control by allowing, we the taxpayer, an avenue to ensure our voice is heard.


Do you want to change the charter, keep it the same or are you undecided?

The town charter, as currently written, is sound and I would not like to see the charter radically altered. During the review process, certain provisions of the charter may need minor clarifications to ensure continued transparency of our municipality.


Do you have any particular concerns about the charter?

My concerns about the charter will always be aimed at protecting the FTR (your voice), protecting casino revenue to ensure the revenue generated is primarily used to keep taxes low, and to preserve the language within the town charter from extreme or unnecessary changes.


What will your approach be to review the charter?

The charter review commission is one year commitment where we will review the nuts and bolts that hold our town together are tightened to ensure the efficiency our town or loosened to make minor repairs as needed to remain efficient. I say we because this is not an individual effort, it will take a group effort to ensure that the appropriate recommendations are made to update the charter. Being open to and listening to ideas across a wide spectrum of views is important but those elected to the charter review commission must keep the needs of the residents of Tiverton first.


What skills and/or experience would help you with this position?

As a married father of four young children and veteran I believe I possess the energy, intellect, and common-sense needed to be an integral asset to the review process. I honorably served in the United States Navy for a decade, holding myself to the highest degree of integrity while serving and protecting our country home and abroad. Integrity, to me, means that you will do the right thing – even when no one is looking and I don’t say that lightly. During my tenure in the military I lead and worked with some of the brightest minds across a very diverse group of individuals. The charter review will indeed be diverse group of individuals and I look forward to the opportunity to work tirelessly with everyone to ensure that the voice of the taxpayer isn’t drowned out by the greed of special interests or dubious agendas.


Name:  William Lopes

Why are you interested in running for Charter Review Commission?

I am interested in running for the Charter Commission to give back to my community-I would like to serve the voters of Tiverton capitalizing on my extensive experience as a retired Technical Executive which I believe is a unique match to the Committee’s mission.


Do you want to change the charter, keep it the same or are you undecided?

I believe the Charter is substantially a sound document-I would like to preserve most current operational practices, but am open to improvements where they can be found


Do you have any particular concerns about the charter?

I want to protect key elements of the charter that have proven to work like the FTR and Budget Committee- I would like to make sure that the future Casino Revenues are treated responsibly and included in the FTR process


What will your approach be to review the charter?

I plan to work co-operatively with other members of the Charter Committee, to perform a thorough review of all items, I would like to review other Town Charters seekingpotential improvements to Tiverton’s Charter, as part of the review process, I plan to be open and seek inputs and ideas from all sources.


What skills and/or experience would help you with this position?

I bring numerous skills and experience to the Charter Committee role- first I bring over 37 years of Technical Executive experience in managing major multi-million dollar projects, working on complex projects with many different people with varying interests, I am methodical, work well with groups in a collaborative process, and have strong people skills working with diverse groups of people to achieve workable consensus


Name:  Jason Mello

Why are you interested in running for Charter Review Commission?

No response received as of 7/10/17


Do you want to change the charter, keep it the same or are you undecided?



Do you have any particular concerns about the charter?



What will your approach be to review the charter?



What skills and/or experience would help you with this position?



Name:  Madeline O'Dell

Why are you interested in running for Charter Review Commission?

No response received as of 7/10/17


Do you want to change the charter, keep it the same or are you undecided?



Do you have any particular concerns about the charter?



What will your approach be to review the charter?



What skills and/or experience would help you with this position?


Name:  David Paull

Why are you interested in running for Charter Review Commission?

I am interested in running for Charter Review Commission because I feel there are areas of the charter that need to be clarified and strengthened.  I also feel it is important to give back and be a common voice for all of our citizens.


Do you have any particular concerns about the charter?

In particular, the budget process needs improvement. Some may argue that the system works but for whom? I am not for eliminating the FTR and controlling taxes is very important; but to what extent?  

There are certain areas that need to be revisited. I also feel that being open to other views and being willing to compromise is important. There are many more citizens paying attention to town politics than ever before. 

Casino language and possible allocation of casino funding is also important. There needs to be a system in place that allows for debt service to be reduced, infrastructure improved, economic development prioritized and schools funded properly. This will allow for immediate tax relief as well as securing long term financial stability. 

I also feel we need to make Town Hall more professional. I personally would like to see the Town Clerk and Town Treasurer be appointed and answer to the Town Administrator. Our current Clerk does a fantastic job and has held the position for about 20 years. Our Treasurer is also a true professional and is highly qualified for the position. (Both would maintain their position). 


What will your approach be to review the charter?

As I mentioned above I believe having the ability to hear out opposing views and be willing to compromise is important. We have a town of over 15,000 and I don't feel that we should neglect the needs of any particular demographic. What make a community whole is the ability to serve the greater good. 


What skills and/or experience would help you with this position?

As far as experience for the position goes I will say this: Not a single officeholder has experience as a political figure until they get elected and play the part. Being a professional firefighter/EMT, I certainly have experience in a wide variety of settings, from every day interactions to crisis situations. I am also the Tiverton Little League Safety Officer, HEARTSafe Tiverton Coordinator, a CPR instructor and school volunteer. Not to mention having a 5, 6 and 19 year old gives you all the negotation skills you need!  


Name:  John Perkins Jr 

Why are you interested in running for Charter Review Commission?

No response received as of 7/10/17


Do you want to change the charter, keep it the same or are you undecided?



Do you have any particular concerns about the charter?



What will your approach be to review the charter?



What skills and/or experience would help you with this position?


Name:  David Perry 

Why are you interested in running for Charter Review Commission?

No response received as of 7/10/17


Do you want to change the charter, keep it the same or are you undecided?



Do you have any particular concerns about the charter?



What will your approach be to review the charter?



What skills and/or experience would help you with this position?


Name:  Laura Rom

Why are you interested in running for Charter Review Commission?

1. To preserve the Financial Town Referendum

2. To Preserve the Budget Committee

3. Casino revenue allocation


Do you want to change the charter, keep it the same or are you undecided?

I do not want to change the Town Charter substantially although  there is always room for clarification and tweaking.


Do you have any particular concerns about the charter?

Addressing the Twin River/Tiverton Casino revenue will require careful consideration and understanding of the budget process

and it is very important for me to hear from voters of Tiverton on the allocation of funds. The Casino was voted in by the

voters with the majority seeing it as a means to lower their taxes and that is exactly what the funds should do.


What will your approach be to review the charter?

Understanding the current Town Charter and listening to suggestions and concerns from town commissions, committees and

residents of Tiverton for potential recommendation changes. 


What skills and/or experience would help you with this position?

Raising four kids and I have seven grandkids! I also served 8 years on the Portsmouth School Committee, the first 2 years as Chair and

all 8 years as Chair of the Policy Sub-committee. I am currently a Commissioner for the Tiverton Housing Authority. However, I

believe that the most important skill is understanding the current Town Charter and listening to suggestions from voters and town committees.


Name:  Richard Rom

Why are you interested in running for Charter Review Commission?

I wish to protect the FTR, which gives voters the capability to choose a budget and control their

taxes. I also wish to ensure that the casino revenue is controlled by the voters via the FTR. I

want to protect the voters liberty to choose their budget and control the town debt. I would also

protect the Budget Committee which provides detailed information on baseline budget that

allows voters the opportunity to disagree and modify their own budget


Do you want to change the charter, keep it the same or are you undecided?

I wish to change the charter. I would like to make changes that address town debt and give the

voters a means to control bond referendums


Do you have any particular concerns about the charter?

Yes, I want to protect the FTR, I want all casino revenue to be allocated through the FTR and I

want to re-evaluate how the town incurs debt. I feel that I have payed far too much in local,

state, and federal taxes and lost far too much liberty. I seek to implement processes in the Town

Charter that give power and liberty to the voters. If the voters wish to pay a huge amount of

money for government services, that would be their choice and they would let their choice be

know via the FTR process


What will your approach be to review the charter?

I evaluate government and political issues by determining how power, liberty, and money flow

away from government and towards the people. I believe government should protect life, liberty,

and property, property being your money.


What skills and/or experience would help you with this position?

I do not have a lot of directly applicable experience in politics. I am a regular person that spent

the past 39 years working, paying taxes and caring for my wife and four children. I am the Chair

of the Tiverton Republican Town Committee and I ran for Senate District 12 in 2016, which gave

me the opportunity to speak directly with many Tiverton voters in my district. With my wife

Laura, we created a free online publication called Rhody Red Press with covers local and state



Name:  Andrea Souza     more info:

Why are you interested in running for Charter Review Commission?

 I am interested in running for the Charter Review Commission because, as a long time Tiverton resident, I believe it is time for new faces and ideas to look at the town charter with an open mind and bring the charter up to date to meet the needs of Tiverton.


Do you want to change the charter, keep it the same or are you undecided?

Changes need to be made to the charter. It is ambiguous in some areas and clarity needs to be brought to the charter.


Do you have any particular concerns about the charter?

 My current concern regarding the charter is that it is not reflective of the growing and changing needs of the town. 


What will your approach be to review the charter?

My approach is to look at the charter, it's foundation and the needs of the town. I am open minded and will look for input from various sources, points of view, my fellow committee members and the town to shape the charter so it becomes the compass the town needs to lead it forward.


What skills and/or experience would help you with this position?

 I have spent over 25 years in Tiverton and seen many changes.  My professional career has always involved interacting with people of different backgrounds and beliefs. I have brought people together to work in the best interest of the project at hand.  I have also attended law school and worked in the legal field, so I understand the legal aspects of this document. 


Name:  Kimberly Sutherland   more info:        

Why are you interested in running for Charter Review Commission?

A town government guided by citizen input only works if we have a variety of citizens willing to serve on committees and commissions such as the Charter Review Commission. Simply stated, it’s my turn to step up to the plate. I want to be part of the team that researches, respectfully discusses, and debates the Charter’s contents and makes common sense suggestions to help our municipality grow.


Do you want to change the charter, keep it the same or are you undecided?

  Generally speaking, the document is fine as far as it’s taken us. However, our town is growing and evolving and there may be parts that could use some further clarification or clearer language.


Do you have any particular concerns about the charter?

I find some sections of the charter are confusing and/or vague. I would like to see some clearer language with some input from the town employees who are bound to follow the contents of the charter.


What will your approach be to review the charter?

As a commission member, I will certainly speak my mind; but more importantly I will actively listen to other commission members, residents, and town employees. I will be respectful and remember that we are all neighbors, working together for a common goal.


What skills and/or experience would help you with this position?

I have 23 years experience as a special needs teacher. I have experience with action research, collaboration with peers, techniques for cooperative work, professional and personal writing, and am naturally an optimistic person.



MEET The Candidates

Mike Burk
Jeff Caron
Stephen Clarke
Donna Cook
Robert Coulter
Michael DeCotis
Nancy Driggs
Donna Edwards
Raymond Fougere
William Gerlach
Michael Janick
Gregory Jones
Jennifer Joslyn
Justin Lacroix
William Lopes
Jason Mello
Madeline O'Dell
David Paull
John Perkins Jr
David Perry
Laura Rom
Andrea Souza
Kim Sutherland
Richard Rom
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